
Following on my series Crime in Vancouver, the next step is to forecast the number of crimes. For this task, I'll be using the Facebook Prophet package.


Prophet is an open source software that was released by Facebook in February 2017. It can be implemented in R or Python.

Facebook calls it Forecasting at Scale and by scale, they mean:

1) a large number of people making forecasts, possibly without training in time series methods; and

2) a large variety of forecasting problems with potentially idiosyncratic features.

If you are interested to know more about it, you can read their paper. Basically, forecasting is not an easy task. If it was, there would be tons of people making money off it, but how many do you know that can make a real good forecast? Maybe one or two who have a lot of experience? Prophet aims to help analysts make fast and reasonable forecasts without the need of a forecasting expertise. Let's try it!

Importing the Data Analysis, Visualization and Prophet packages

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fbprophet import Prophet

Processing and Transforming the data

Importing the Crime data set

The data set was cleaned and transformed in my previous post "An Exploratory Data Analysis of Crime in Vancouver from 2003 to 2017".

If you would like to use the same data, you can download it here.

Let's import it and make it appropriate for Prophet.

In [2]:
# Reading the csv, grouping by day
df = pd.read_csv('crimes.csv')
df = df.groupby('DATE').count()['TYPE'].to_frame()

# The input must be a data frame with two columns 'ds' and 'y' 
# (ds is the date and y is the number of crimes). Let's adjust it.
df.columns = ['ds','y']
ds y
0 2003-01-01 191
1 2003-01-02 148
2 2003-01-03 160
3 2003-01-04 146
4 2003-01-05 120
In [3]:
# Let's plot the data 
df.plot(x='ds', title='Number of crimes per day')

We can see that there is an outlier (which we saw in my previous post). Let's keep it for now.

Using Prophet

One interesting feature of Prophet is that it is "robust to outliers, missing data, and dramatic changes in your time series".

So let's try 3 different models:

  • Model 1 - plain (without removing outliers).
  • Model 2 - removing outliers.
  • Model 3 - including holidays.

Model 1 - Plain

In [4]:
# Starting by making a copy of the data frame
df_m1 = df.copy()
In [5]:
# The only transformation we'll do is a 'log transformation' of y
df_m1['y'] = np.log(df_m1['y'])

Now let's run Prophet!

In [6]:
# Prophet code are basically these lines
m1_plain = Prophet()

# Let's try a forecast for 365 days
future = m1_plain.make_future_dataframe(periods=365)
forecast_m1 = m1_plain.predict(future)

With a couple of lines, standard parameters and just a few seconds, Prophet has completed the forecast. Now let's use its plot function.

In [7]:

The black dots are the actual values. The blue line is the predicted value. The light blue lines are the lower and upper intervals.

Now let's check the forecast components.

In [8]:

This is interesting. Prophet displays the general, weekly and monthly trends.

  • In the first subplot, we can see that the number of crimes decreased until 2011 and then start increasing.
  • The weekly subplot shows that Friday and Saturday have more crimes.
  • The yearly subplot shows that summers months have higher number of crimes.

Now let's measure the error for this model. For that, I'll be using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).

In [9]:
# First, let's get some useful variables: "y" for the actual value and "n" for the number of observations.
y = df['y'].to_frame()
y.index = df['ds']
n =
In [10]:
# The forecast is 'log transformed', so we need to 'inverse' it back by using the exp
forecast_m1_exp = np.exp(forecast_m1[['yhat','yhat_lower','yhat_upper']])
forecast_m1_exp.index = forecast_m1['ds']
In [11]:
# Now let's calculate the MAPE for m1
error = forecast_m1_exp['yhat'] - y['y']
MAPE_m1 = (error/y['y']).abs().sum()/n *100

Model 2 - Removing outliers

In [12]:
# Make another copy of the data frame as m2
df_m2 = df.copy()
In [13]:
# Define the Upper Control Limit and Lower Control Limit as 3 standard deviations from the mean
ucl = df_m2.mean() + df_m2.std()*3
lcl = df_m2.mean() - df_m2.std()*3
In [14]:
# Print the number of outliers found
print('Above 3 standard deviations: ', df_m2[df_m2['y'] > ucl['y']]['y'].count(), 'entries')
print('Below 3 standard deviations: ', df_m2[df_m2['y'] < lcl['y']]['y'].count(), 'entries')
Above 3 standard deviations:  18 entries
Below 3 standard deviations:  0 entries
In [15]:
# Remove them by setting their value to None. Prophet says it can handle null values.
df_m2.loc[df_m2['y'] > ucl['y'], 'y'] = None
df_m2.loc[df_m2['y'] < lcl['y'], 'y'] = None
In [16]:
# Log transformation
df_m2['y'] = np.log(df_m2['y'])
In [17]:
# Run Prophet using model 2
m2_no_outlier = Prophet()
future = m2_no_outlier.make_future_dataframe(periods=365)
forecast_m2 = m2_no_outlier.predict(future)
In [18]:
# Inverse the log
forecast_m2_exp = np.exp(forecast_m2[['yhat','yhat_lower','yhat_upper']])
forecast_m2_exp.index = forecast_m2['ds']
In [19]:
# Calculate the error
error = forecast_m2_exp['yhat'] - y['y']
MAPE_m2 = (error/y['y']).abs().sum()/n *100

With Model 2 by removing the outliers, the model performed only a little better (0.01%) than the plain model. This is probably because the outliers that were considered were only a few data points (18 of 5295). They were not a sequence of data points that compromised the trend, so in this case, they didn't make much difference. Prophet handled them well in the first plain model.

Model 3 - Holidays

Prophet has a nice flexibility of including events (holidays) that impact the trend. To do that, we need to create a data frame with dates (past and future). Another cool thing is that we can add a 'lower' and 'upper' window. For example, if we have Christmas as a holiday and we want to add the Christmas' Eve, all we need to do is to add a 'lower window' of -1.

I'll be using three sets of holidays.

  • One with no added window: Mother's day, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas.
  • Another with a -1 lower and 1 upper window: Halloween, New Year's
  • And another with a -2 lower and a 1 upper window: BC Day and Thanksgiving (long weekends)

Note: in my previous post, there is a heat map showing the average number of crimes per day.

In [20]:
holidays_0 = pd.DataFrame({
        'holiday': '0 window',
        'ds' :pd.to_datetime(
        'lower_window' : 0,
        'upper_window' : 0,       

holidays_1 = pd.DataFrame({
        'holiday': '1 window',
        'ds' :pd.to_datetime(
        'lower_window' : -1,
        'upper_window' : 1,       

holidays_2 = pd.DataFrame({
        'holiday': '2 window',
        'ds' :pd.to_datetime(
        'lower_window' : -2,
        'upper_window' : 1,       

# Concatenate all 3 df into 1
holidays_list = pd.concat((holidays_0, holidays_1, holidays_2))
In [21]:
# Now we pass the holidays variable when we instantiate Prophet
m3_holidays = Prophet(holidays=holidays_list)
future = m3_holidays.make_future_dataframe(periods=365)
forecast_m3 = m3_holidays.predict(future)
In [22]:
# Inverse the log
forecast_m3_exp = np.exp(forecast_m3[['yhat','yhat_lower','yhat_upper']])
forecast_m3_exp.index = forecast_m3['ds']
In [23]:
# Calculate error
error = forecast_m3_exp['yhat'] - y['y']
MAPE_m3 = (error/y['y']).abs().sum()/n *100

Comparing the models

In [24]:
print('M1:', round(MAPE_m1,2), '--> Plain','\n')
print('M2:', round(MAPE_m2,2), '--> Without outliers','\n')
print('M3:', round(MAPE_m3,2),'--> Plain with holidays','\n')
M1: 12.64 --> Plain 

M2: 12.63 --> Without outliers 

M3: 12.56 --> Plain with holidays 

Model 3, with the inclusion of holidays, had a better result. Let's check it.

In [25]:

We can see that there is a peak every year that model 1 didn't have. This is the result of adding a holiday that had a relevant impact. This is going to be reflected in the forecast.


Finally, to see the forecasted numbers, we can check the forecast data frame:

In [26]:
start = '2017-09-01'
end = '2017-09-05'
forecast_m3_exp[(forecast_m3_exp.index >= start) & (forecast_m3_exp.index <= end)].astype(int)
yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper
2017-09-01 114 93 139
2017-09-02 115 94 141
2017-09-03 106 84 131
2017-09-04 104 86 129
2017-09-05 103 85 127

For example, the forecasted number of crime for 2017-09-01 is 114, with an interval of 93 - 139.

Note about Prophet: it is a very easy tool to use. It is fast, provides a good result and allows for tuning the model. Just a few lines of code and no complex parameters gave us a forecast of the number of crimes.

Check more about crime in Vancouver.


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